Knowing how to design an effective logo has more to do with storytelling than you can think. It could be a story of its origin, what the organization does, its purpose and domain of operation.
The greatest difficulty is to tell this story with the least amount of elements, the right font, the right color, and of course to have the logo distinct in all dimensions possible (from considerable billboards to visiting cards.
Keep an eye on some of the logos you come across in everyday life. If you admire something, do check out what made you like it. We’re sure there will be a compelling element or story behind it. That’s the information every great logo tries to convey: it must stand for something. Have this as a crucial element when you devise a logo.
Concerning the categorization of how one can learn logo designing, there are two significant steps: Constraint evaluation and Conceptualization. The actual form of the logo is the least of your concerns at this time.
Constraint evaluation
As design revolves typically around limitations, try answering these questions. Whom does this business target? What is their business model? What is it about the organization? Create a list of constraints.
When you realize the limitations of your design, your next move is to extend the idea of the logo by utilizing elements. These elements usually are the ones that animate an immediate response from the audience (how a clock icon symbolizes time). Depending on the organization and what it does, select the fonts and colors appropriately. It can either be either done on software or paper.
Designing a logo is easy. Creating a Great Logo is an Art and Science.
You can begin with the following steps:
Note successful logos and their features. See what they mean, what they deliver to you. You can refer to top brands and some that are not so famous but also designed well.
Understanding Process
Dig deeper into case studies of logo designing. Learn the different processes the designer followed. Write them down. Try to perform it in your practice and take the most suits you may be with some customization.
Knowing Design Principles
This point is vital if you want your logo to be appealing and technically correct. It has to do more with psychological impact.
Learning tools
This point is not a big deal. You do not need to be a great sketch artist nor painter to create beautiful shapes. Tools are readily available. You need to have that vision.
Book and Books
Head over to online bookstores and buy some books on logo branding.Practice, practice, and practice: Go for sample projects, redesign any work or brands for your friends who have the same requirements. At some particular level, take a job at design studios as an intern to get surrounded by like-minded people.
Creating logos isn’t easy. The hardest part of working as a designer is learning the ability to generate a logo that the client will be pleased and satisfied. The solution is knowing how to understand a client’s expectations and using the best tools to draft ideas instantly.
Logo designing is simple for those who understand its depth and can capture and determine the essence of the brand. For those who cannot, it takes some time to learn them.
We hope this helps. All the best and happy learning!